Are You in Pain?
It is common for patients to experience the first symptoms in their extremities (hands, arms, legs and feet).
Poor blood flow to the nerves, diabetes, traumatic injury, infection, metabolic problems, toxin exposure and more.
What if there was a solution that may be able treat your neuropathy pain without drugs or surgery?
Numbness, Tingling or Burning in Hands, Arms, Feet or Legs
Sharp Electric Pain, Jabbing, Throbbing, Freezing or Burning Pain
Loss of Hot or Cold Sensation
Pins and Needles or a Prickling Feeling in your Feet or Hands
Muscle Cramping and Restless Legs
Difficulty Sleeping Due to Discomfort
Pain or Difficulty Walking
$49 new patient special
Includes Neuropathy Consultation & Exam
If you find yourself saying, “I would give anything to make this pain stop!” know that you’re not alone. So often we hear from our patients that they have tried everything possible. They have been told to “live with it” or that “surgery is their only option”.
Anyone who has neuropathy understands how hard getting through a single day can be. Simple tasks like getting out of bed or getting ready for the day can become very difficult. Even the most basic things like going for a walk can be impossible.
Most mainstream treatments for Neuropathy in Athens PA consist of lifelong prescription medications. The thought of taking pills forever leaves many patients frustrated and looking for a better option.

Experience Relief
At Horn Family Chiropractic our combination of breakthrough technology along with advanced treatment protocols assist your body with everything it needs to heal.
Many of our patients notice a positive improvement in their symptoms within just a few visits. Our unique treatment protocol helps to restore, stabilize, and rebuild the nerves in your extremities.
Our Professional TEAM
We have developed a unique clinical treatment that combines a drug-free, non-surgical approach with the most advanced NEUROPATHY PAIN RELIEF TECHNOLOGY available. Many patients are seeing great results, even those who have "tried everything" before.
Dr. Nate Callear are Board Certified in Neuropathy by the American College of Physical Medicine.
$49 new patient special
Includes Neuropathy Consultation & Exam
to learn more click below:
More than 20 million Americans suffer from Peripheral Neuropathy, a condition caused by damage to the nerves. Whether its work, play or time spent with the family, Neuropathy pain ultimately lowers your quality of life by affecting everything that you do.
Neuropathy is relentless. When left alone, neuropathy becomes a chronic, degenerative disease that typically gets worse… much worse. Most commonly, it starts with numbness in your feet or a ‘pins and needles’ feeling in your hands and feet. Then it develops into fatigue, unrelenting pain, an inability to walk any considerable distance or stand for prolonged periods of time, and restlessness in the legs, which interrupts sleep. As it progresses, it nearly always seriously affects balance. In its end stages, its path can lead towards potential amputation.
Neuropathy can steal your health, your happiness, and your personal freedom, forcing your dependence on others for even the smallest of life’s tasks. But it doesn’t have to. You can stop neuropathy, and potentially turn it around, with our proprietary home treatment program. Just don’t wait; the earlier you start, the better your results.
- Diabetes is the most common cause and can occur even with their blood sugar levels under control
- Chemotherapy patients often develop Neuropathy during or after chemotherapy treatment
- Trauma or pressure on the Nerve occurs after injuries or trauma in the legs
- Circulation Disorders leading to foot ulcers and blockage of blood supply to the leg
- Alcoholism can cause nerve-ending damage
- Restless Leg Syndrome is characterized by cramping and other unpleasant sensations in the legs
- Diseases such as autoimmune diseases, kidney disease, liver disease and thyroid conditions can also cause Peripheral Neuropathy, as can certain viral or bacterial infections, including Hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS
In general, if you have pain in your hands, feet, or legs you may be a candidate for treatment. Each patient is evaluated by our team, on a one-on-one basis, to see if treatment is right for them. It’s important to note that our treatments are non-surgical and require no prescription drugs. Horn Family Chiropractic is now offering the answer that can produce long last results.
Medication can be very helpful for a number of things. The problem is that medication is not generally designed to correct the cause of the problem. Common sense will tell you that if your treatment is not designed to correct the true problem, you’re likely to have disappointing results. In some cases medication can actually cause new problems to develop in the body because of the many side effects. We know so much about the human body today. It’s time to move beyond treatments that mask your symptoms.
If you have neuropathy you understand how it can make you feel. Simple things like driving your car or taking a walk can become painful and difficult tasks. When you start to lose the simple things in your life it can truly steal your happiness away. Many of the patients we meet are in a state of slight depression, because they are not able to do the things they love. If you’re in this position take action. This is a problem that you can begin to change today.


At Horn Family Chiropractic we believe that each patient is an individual. Our comprehensive whole-body approach addresses the cause rather than the symptoms of your neuropathy. One of our doctors will sit down with you on your first visit to determine the best treatment options for you.
We offer some of the most advanced non-surgical FDA approved treatments available today. It’s always our goal to focus on the cause of any condition we treat. Our patients expect the best, and we do everything we can to help them achieve their goals. We want you to have the ability to live your life to the fullest. Don’t let pain take that away from you.
Nearly every patient accepted into the program experiences significant improvement. Our new Peripheral Neuropathy treatments succeed because we attack the problem at its source. Our combination of breakthrough technology along with advanced treatments provides your body with everything it needs to heal damaged nerves. The majority of patients notice an improvement in their symptoms within their first few treatments. Our combination of treatments helps to restore, stabilize, and rebuild the nerves in your extremities. In many cases the results also go beyond neuropathy and have been helpful for conditions such as chronic pain, arthritis, and MS.
When you’re deciding where you are going to go for treatment, it’s important to think about one thing. Is the treatment you’re receiving going to correct the cause of the problem, or is it designed to cover your symptoms? You see, a treatment that is designed to mask your symptoms will generally leave you disappointed in the end.
Our goal is to help you have a better quality of life. Call to schedule a neuropathy consultation and learn how we can help you. We will explain the options for therapy and determine whether you qualify for our program. There is absolutely no obligation, and the only thing you have to lose is your pain.

Improved Mood
Improve your overall health and regain your vitality for life.

Reduced Medications
Medication and surgery don't have to be the answer.

Active Lifestyle
Stop wasting time in pain and get your active life back!
take action now
$49 Neuropathy Consultation & Exam
take action now
$49 Neuropathy Consultation & Exam
Start Living The Life You Deserve
As your health partner, we will help champion your health goals, reduce your stress, and allow your body to heal from the inside out!
Our office is conveniently located on Route 220 in Athens, PA